remix culture
taking what other people have done and remixing it to turn it into your own music
...Girl Talk uses samples of well known music to create new tracks, redefining the sound. This layering creates new territory with which Girl Talk experiments to get the best combination of beats.
Lawrence Lessig
Being on the board for Creative Commons, Lawrence Lessig is a prime figure in the topic of copyright and Remix Culture.
If Lessig teaches us anything it is that Remixing, in all of its forms, is not something that should be frowned upon, not something which ruins the original product, but heightens it and makes it evolve into new territory. art
Andy Warhols Campbell soup cans are part of Remix Culture because they show how he made an every day object turn into a pop art icon just by painting them onto canvas. This disambiguation occurs because these are shown in a new light by representing them in this way.
Cambell's Soup Cans by Andy Warhol, 1962
Displayed at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. fashion
Remix or personalization in fashion is becoming more frequent with the rise of online retailers and customizable products made to fit your preferences. This enables everyone to own unique clothing or simply create clothing that suits your needs.
Dessine-moi un soulier (literally translated to 'draw me a shoe') is a Parisian based company based on two women's struggle to find shoes for that special occasion. Thus the website was born that enables one to choose and personalize every component of the shoe.
The above example is quite niche market but the main stream brands are doing it too...
Even a brand as big as Converse has realized the increase in customers they get by adding the possibility to customize a pair of shoes.